Breeding Science

Common cough problem, how to recuperate?

Time:2021-01-28     Hits:0

The weather gradually turns cool, the temperature difference between day and night is big, dry and changeable climate, it is easy to lead to a significant decline in human immunity. Cough is also divided into different types, we are usually familiar with exogenous cough are "cold cough", "wind heat cough", "accumulated food cough", "internal injury cough" and so on, so when cough occurs, how should we distinguish it?

Wind cold cough: white tongue, itchy throat, phlegm clear, transparent, foam with nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose. It is necessary to disperse wind and cold, and relieve cough.

diet tyerapy:

(1) Ginger water with brown sugar: 3 pieces of ginger + 3 pieces of garlic seeds, boil over high heat for 10 minutes + a little brown sugar. For the early effect of cold good! No need to add garlic if you don't cough and get cold!

(2) Steam garlic water: peel and smash 3-5 pieces of garlic, add a little water and rock sugar, cover the bowl with water and steam over high heat for 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day, half a bowl at a time. For cold, kidney deficiency.

Wind heat cough: red tongue, yellow tongue coating, accompanied by sore throat, thick phlegm, difficult cough, yellow and thick nose, dry stool, yellow urine, fever. It is necessary to remove wind, clear away heat and relieve cough.

diet tyerapy:

(1) Chuanbei Sydney Water: 1 Sydney + 5-6 Chuanbei, cut a hole in the middle of the Sydney to remove the core, put Chuanbei (crushed) + a little rock sugar, cover the bowl and steam for 30 minutes.

(2) Radish water: 250g white radish, boiled with water for 5 minutes. Don't peel radish!!! Good effect for dry nose and throat!

(3) Loquat juice: 100g loquat, peeled, seeded, meat with a little honey, waiting for juice to eat.

Accumulated food cough: thick and greasy tongue coating, mouth breath, red tongue, round stomach, flatulence, hot palms and feet, dry stool. It is necessary to eliminate food stagnation, cough and phlegm. The spleen is the source of phlegm, and the lung is the Qi of storing phlegm.

diet tyerapy:

(1) Radish pericarp water: 250g white radish (radish can not be peeled) + 3-6g pericarp, cooked together, radish cooked.

(2) Hawthorn water: fresh Hawthorn 20, cut into small fire soup to change color + rock sugar can.

(3) Tangerine peel and hawthorn water: tangerine peel 3-6g + Fresh Hawthorn 9 pieces + licorice 3-5 pieces, add 3-4 bowls of water to boil, boil for 5 minutes, add 1 spoonful of honey, honey can be replaced by white sugar for babies within one year old, with proper amount of white sugar.

Cough caused by internal injury: long term repeated, chronic cough or mycoplasma, dry cough, little or no sputum, severe cough sooner or later, thick or no tongue coating, dry tongue. There was no tongue coating injury (stomach qi). Need to raise lung cough, spleen qi.

diet tyerapy:

(1) Yam soup: cut into pieces, stir and boil with water (turn more to prevent scorching when boiling in the pot), not for a long time, but on an empty stomach. Chinese yam invigorates spleen and invigorates lung qi.

(2) Red jujube and ginkgo soup: 3 red jujubes and 3 ginkgo, add water to the pot and cook for 10 minutes, eat before going to bed, and eat all the dregs.

(3) Walnut jujube soup: Walnut 250g + black sesame 100g + jujube 250g, grind them together, put them into a basin, stir them with water + honey (water 3: honey 1), steam them in high heat for 40 minutes, 1 spoon in the morning and 1 spoon in the evening. For children with chronic cough bronchitis and asthma, the effect is good.